About Me
BitPay ID
Consumer onboarding and verification

UI Breakdown
BitPay ID was a major initiative that we launched in the summer of 2019. Up until then, we had a fully segmented account system. Businesses got business accounts and debit card users got card accounts. With BitPay ID, we wanted to consolidate and pave the way for an immersive consumer ecosystem. To do this, we needed a brand new onboarding system that funneled users accordingly and incorporated KYC when applicable.
This was an extremely challenging and fun project that served as my first real confrontation with the balance of aesthetics and experience. At inception, the idea was to create a bare-bones, minimal login flow with single-purpose states. We were confident that by isolating users by their email, we could conveniently funnel users based on their status.
Lead Product DesignerTeam
2 DevelopersScope
Apr - Aug 2019What I did
UX Research, Interface DesignStack
Angular + TS, Redux, Sketch, InVision
Stylistically, there were some key restraints: we wanted to definitely use a Material theme to stay consistent with the input fields in our Wallet; additionally I generally avoided graphics or illustrations to reduce dependencies. Avoiding graphics ended up being the right call for this iteration however, I believe flat material inputs are not well suited to a desktop experience; on mobile they feel great (like writing on lined paper).
There was 1 distinct disadvantage to the single-purpose style that was not immediately obvious; we changed the optimal clicks for login from 1 to 2 (assuming password manager in use). In retrospect, this style of login works best when managing multiple accounts (ex. Google). Looking forward, key lessons here is to keep things predictable. Forms don’t need to be smart; they just need to work. Version 2 will be a full design upgrade that addresses all usability issues.